Controlling method names

Methods and operations

DapperDox allows you to control the name of each method operation, and how methods are represented in the navigation.

By default the HTTP method is used (GET, POST, PUT etc), as is usual for RESTful API specifications. Even so, it is often the case that a resource will be given two GET methods, one which returns a single resource, and one that returns a list. This is clearly confusing for the reader, so in the latter case it would be clearer for the list method to be identified as such.

To do this, DapperDox introduces the concept of a method operation, which usually has the same value as the HTTP method, but may be overridden on a per-method basis by the x-operationName extension:

    "paths": {
        "/products": {
            "get": {
                "x-operationName": "list",
                "summary": "List products",
                "description": "Returns a list of products"
                "tags": ["Products"]
            "post": {
                "summary": "Create a product",
                "description": "Create a new product type"
                "tags": ["Products"]
        "/products/{id}": {
            "get": {
                "summary": "Get a product",
                "description": "Returns a products"
                "tags": ["Products"]

The methods in the above example would be grouped together because they are similarly tagged, and the confusion between the two GET methods resolved by giving one the operation name of list. Thus, the three methods would be described in the navigation and API list page as being list, post and get. The HTTP methods assigned to each (get, post and get) remain unchanged.

This technique can also be used to override GET to fetch, POST to create, PUT to update and so on.

Navigating by method name

Where an OpenAPI specification is describing a non-RESTful set of APIs, they are often grouped together and share the same HTTP method. For example, two GET methods having respective summary texts of lookup product by ID and lookup product by barcode would probably be listed together, both being product APIs. As they are both get methods, the reader would be unable to tell them apart if they are both referred to as get operations in the API navigation. By adding the "x-navigateMethodsByName" : true extension to the top level OpenAPI specification, you can force DapperDox to describe each operation in the navigation using its summary text instead of its operation name or HTTP method. The methods will continue to be referred to by operation name or HTTP method in API pages.

    "swagger": "2.0",
    "x-navigateMethodsByName": true,
    "info": {
        "title": "Example API",
        "description": "The only way is up",
        "version": "1.0.0"

An example of this modifier being used in practice is the example Petstore specification provided with DapperDox. As the Petstore API is not REST, the example specification has the x-navigationMethodsByName member applied, forcing the use of the operations summary text in the navigation menu.