Authoring content concepts

DapperDox combines reference documentation automatically generated from OpenAPI Swagger specifications with other authored content to produce rich, browsable, API documentation.


Any additional content that DapperDox imports and combines with reference documentation is known as an asset. Assets can be HTML, GitHub Flavoured Markdown (GFM), and static resources such as images.

Assets are split into two groups:

  1. Those applied across the suite of specifications being served
  2. Those applied to particular specifications

Within these groups, assets divide into three categories:

  1. Authored documentation, referred to as guides
  2. Content overlays, containing documentation to be injected into API reference pages
  3. Static resources such as images, which are used by guides or overlays.

Assets directory structure

  • {local_assets}/
    • templates/
      • guides/
      • reference/
      • resource/
    • static/
    • sections/
      • {specification-ID}/
        • templates/
          • guides/
          • reference/
          • resource/
        • static/

For example, {local_assets}/templates/ contains assets that are applied across the suite of specifications. {local_assets}/sections/{specification-ID}/templates/ contains assets that are applied to a particular specification.

Configuring assets

DapperDox is directed to your assets through the -assets-dir configuration option.