Content overlays

Additional content can be added to any DapperDox generated reference page by providing overlay files. These pages are authored in GitHub Flavoured Markdown (GFM) and contain special markdown references that target particular sections within API, Method or Resource pages.

Additional directories are added to your assets directory to accomplish this. As DapperDox can consume and serve multiple OpenAPI specifications, each is given its own section within DapperDox, allowing you to provide guides and overlay documentation appropriate to an OpenAPI specification.

See Controlling method names for a discussion on what an operation name is, and how it differs from an HTTP method name.

For example, the following GFM file adds additional content to the request and response sections of the Find pet by ID GET method for the example Petstore OpenAPI specification, where {local_assets} is the directory pointed to by the -assets-dir= configuration parameter:

> cat {dapperdox-source-directory}/examples/overlay/assets/sections/swagger-petstore/templates/reference/everything-about-your-pets/
Overlay: true

> This is a banner. Content overlaid onto this method page comes from
and is therefore applied to **all** GET methods defined by the Petstore specification.

This is some overlaid *description* text. Defined by file

Here is some overlaid *response* text. Defined by file

For a GFM page to be treated as an overlay, it must contain the metadata Overlay: true at the start of the file (see Supported metadata).

Prioritising overlays

There are three ways to overlay a reference page, globally, per-specification or on a page-by-page basis. To find an overlay for a page, DapperDox follows the file patterns defined in the table below in the order in which they are listed, using the first one it finds. For example sections/{specification-ID}/templates/reference/{api-group}.md takes precedence over sections/{specification-ID}/templates/reference/

In the references below, the operation-ID for a method is determined by taking the kebab case of the first member in the following list that yields a value from an operation's specification:

  1. operationID
  2. x-opererationName
  3. summary
  4. method name

where method name (and method-name below) is the actual HTTP method name of the operation, such as get, post and put. Therefore, it is possible for operation-ID and method-name to be the same value.

api-group is calculated in two ways, depending on whether tagging is in use or not, and is also kebab-cased. If tagging is in use, then api-group takes the tag's description, falling back to the tag name if there no description. If tagging is not in use, then the operation's x-pathName member is used, otherwise it takes the operation's summary.

Overlay file priority

This table defines the overlay file lookup priority for specification list, specification summary, API, method and resource pages:

Reference page Overlay filename Description
API sections/{specification-ID}/templates/reference/{api-group}.md Overlay applied to a specific API page.
API sections/{specification-ID}/templates/reference/ Overlay applied to all API pages for the named specification.
API templates/reference/ Overlay applied to all API pages.
Method sections/{specification-ID}/templates/reference/{api-group}/{operation-ID}.md Overlay applied to a specific method page of a specific API of a specific openAPI specification.
Method sections/{specification-ID}/templates/reference/{api-group}/{method-name}.md Overlay applied to all method pages with this HTTP method name in the named openAPI specification.
Method sections/{specification-ID}/templates/reference/{api-group}/ Overlay applied to all method pages of a specific API.
Method sections/{specification-ID}/templates/reference/{operation-ID}.md Overlay applied to all method pages for {operation-ID} across all APIs in a specification.
Method sections/{specification-ID}/templates/reference/{method-name}.md Overlay applied to all method pages with this HTTP method name, across all APIs in the named specification.
Method sections/{specification-ID}/templates/reference/ Overlay applied to all method pages of all APIs in the named specification.
Method templates/reference/{method-name}.md Overlay applied to the all methods with this HTTP method name for all APIs across all specifications.
Method templates/reference/ Overlay applied to all method pages of all APIs across all specifications.
Resource sections/{specification-ID}/templates/resource/{resource-name}.md Overlay applied to a specific resource page of a specific API.
Resource sections/{specification-ID}/templates/resource/ Overlay applied to all resource pages of a specific API.
Resource templates/resource/ Overlay applied to all resource pages of all APIs across all specifications.
Specification summary assets/sections/{specification-ID}/templates/reference/ Overlay applied to a particular specification's summary page.
Specification summary assets/templates/reference/ Overlay applied to all specification summary pages.
Specification list assets/templates/reference/ Overlay applied to the specification list page.

This can be visualised as a directory tree (though precedence is not maintained in this representation):

  • {local_assets}/
    • templates/
      • guides/ - Authored documentation presented when not viewing an OpenAPI specification section.
      • reference/ - Custom overlay GFM content.
        • - Overlay applied to all API pages.
        • {operation-ID}.md - Overlay applied to a specific method, identified by operation, for all APIs in all specifications.
        • {method-name}.md - Overlay applied to all methods with this HTTP method name, across all APIs in all specifications.
        • - Overlay applied to all API methods.
        • - Overlay applied to the specification list page.
        • - Overlay applied to all specification summary pages.
      • resource/
        • - Overlay applied to all resource pages.
    • sections/ - Contains additional documentation and overlays for specific OpenAPI specifications.
      • {specification-ID} - The kebab case of the OpenAPI info.title member of the specification the overlays are for.
        • templates/
          • guides/ - Directory containing authored documentation for the named OpenAPI specification.
          • reference/ -
            • - Overlay applied to all API pages of this specification.
            • {api-group}.md - Overlay applied to a specific API page of this specification.
            • {api-group}/
              • {operation-ID}.md - Overlay applied to a specific method, identified by operation, for this named API.
              • {method-name}.md - Overlay applied to all methods with this HTTP method name in the named API.
              • - Overlay applied to all methods of this named API.
            • {operation-ID}.md - Overlay applied to all methods with the given operation name, for all APIs in the specification.
            • {method-name}.md - Overlay applied to all methods with this HTTP method name, across all APIs in the specification.
            • - Overlay applied to all methods of all APIs in the specification.
            • - Overlay applied to a particular specification summary page.
          • resource/
            • {resource-name}.md - Overlay applied to a specific resource page of this API.
            • - Overlay applied to all resource pages of this API.

Enabling author debug mode

By passing DapperDox the configuration parameter -author-show-assets=true, DapperDox will display an overlay search path pane at the foot of each API reference page. This helps you see exactly which path and filenames you can use to overlay content onto the page you are viewing (see Configuration parameters).

Try enabling this mode for the Petstore specification to see for yourself the file paths scanned, and how they relate to the specification.

The recommendation is to always enable this debug mode when you are writing overlay content.

Page overlay targets

Each of the three auto-generated reference page types (api, method and resource) have their own set of overlay targets:

API page

GFM section reference Page section
[[banner]] Inserts content at the start of the page, before the description.
[[description]] Adds content before the API method list.
[[additional]] Inserts content at the end of the API page.

Method page

GFM section reference Page section
[[banner]] Inserts content at the start of the page, before the description header.
[[description]] Adds content after the method description.
[[request]] Adds content before the method request URL.
[[path-parameters]] Adds content before the path parameters block.
[[query-parameters]] Adds content before the query parameters block.
[[request-headers]] Adds content before the header parameters block.
[[form-parameters]] Adds content before the form parameters block.
[[request-body]] Adds content before the body block.
[[security]] Adds content before the security section.
[[response]] Adds content before the response section.
[[example]] Inserts example content after the response section.
[[additional]] Inserts additional before the API explorer.

Resource page

GFM section reference Page section
[[banner]] Inserts banner content at the start of the page, before the description.
[[description]] Adds a description block to the start of the page.
[[methods]] Inserts content before the methods list.
[[resource]] Inserts content before the resource schema.
[[example]] Adds content before the resource example, if it exists.
[[properties]] Inserts content before the resource properties table.
[[additional]] Inserts content at the end of the resource page.

Specification list page

GFM section reference Page section
[[banner]] Inserts content at the start of the page, before the description.
[[description]] Adds content before the API method list.
[[additional]] Inserts content at the end of the API page.

Specification summary page

GFM section reference Page section
[[banner]] Inserts content at the start of the page, before the description.
[[description]] Adds content before the API method list.
[[{api-group}/description]] Adds content after the header of the declared API group.
[[additional]] Inserts content at the end of the API page.


The DapperDox assets example examples/overlay/assets/ contains two overlay files:

  1. templates/reference/
  2. sections/swagger-petstore/templates/reference/

The first provides [[banner]] and [[request]] overlay text for all method pages, across all specifications, except where it is overridden by a higher precidence overlay, such as the second overlay. This second overlay targets the Petstore specification GET method pages, and provides [[banner]], [[description]] and [[response]] overlay texts.

To run these examples, pass the following assets configuration to DapperDox:


If you view any GET method page of the Petstore API, you will see the text from the second overlay file injected into the method's banner, description and response sections. If you view any other method page, you will see banner and request texts injected from the first overlay file.